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Turkey, Football, And Historic GOP Wins

I hope that your Thanksgiving was full of good food, football, and time well spent with family and friends.

You may have missed it in the midst of the holiday bustle, but Republicans scored a huge victory right before the Thanksgiving holiday.

For the first time since 1877, residents of Charleston, South Carolina elected a Republican to serve as their mayor, rejecting a 150-year long record of Democrat leadership. Congratulations to Mayor-Elect William Cogswell on this historic victory and on defeating a two-term Democrat incumbent!

This victory in South Carolina along with the major pickups Republicans saw during the November 7 election prove that the tides are changing in cities across America. These major GOP victories reveal that even in the bluest areas across our country, Republicans can win.

Republicans were also victorious in Lafayette, Louisiana where Republican Mayor-President-Elect Monique Blanco Boulet claimed victory in a runoff election on November 18, becoming the first female mayor of Lafayette. Like me, Mayor-President-Elect Blanco Boulet was once a Democrat who switched her political affiliation to join the GOP. Her victory is yet another example of how leaders in our nation’s cities are willing to buck the Democrat Party and choose a better path forward for their constituencies that is the Republican Party.

The results we are seeing in just the most recent elections show there is a resounding call for change in our country — one that is spreading and will lead to more historic victories for the GOP and upsets for the Democrat Party.

The next race we are watching is a runoff election in Pueblo, Colorado, where Republicans have a chance to flip another Democrat-held mayoral seat in one of America’s 300 largest cities.

Follow the results with us on X by following @GOPMayorsAssn or by signing up on our website at to receive regular updates as we work to preserve, protect, and defend the American Dream, one city at a time.

Thank you for your time. I will be in touch with more updates soon.


Eric L. Johnson
Mayor of Dallas
Founder and Chairman, Republican Mayors Association