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GOP Mayors In The News: Bringing The GOP Back To America’s Cities

Bringing The GOP Back To America’s Cities

Momentum is behind the RMA following last week’s meeting of the Advisory Board in Dallas, TX!

On the heels of an article in National Review outlining the goals of the RMA, Advisory Board members Dan Davis, Bruce Rector, and Erin Stewart appeared on Fox Business’s “The Bottom Line.” They discussed a variety of topics pertinent to the organization’s mission, including the importance of community engagement and ways in which Republican mayors can win in even the most politically challenging environments.

Mayor Dan Davis: As The Cities Go, Our Country Goes

Mayor Bruce Rector: It’s About Bringing A Sense Of Order To Chaos

Mayor Erin Stewart: Republicans Can Win In Cities Where You Wouldn’t Expect It

No matter where they live, individuals all expect their elected officials to focus on similar priorities. People want to be safe, they want public infrastructure to be maintained, a vibrant local economy, and competent leadership from their municipal leaders. This is why the RMA believes that our cities should not be written off, and that the right Republican mayoral candidates can win anywhere in the United States.

RMA Chairman and President Eric Johnson pointed to these ideals as to why Republican mayors and Republican-led cities have been so successful. From rejecting calls to defund the police to lowering property taxes, these are issues championed by the RMA and that are supported by the overwhelming majority of the American people.

The RMA is in this fight for the long haul. As RMA Advisory Board Chairman Javier Villalobos said, “things never change overnight,” but the RMA is committed to bringing about desperately needed change one city at time.