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Republican Mayors Association Statement On Texas Election Results

Republican Mayors Association Statement On Texas Election Results

DALLAS, TX – Republican Mayors Association (RMA) Chairman and President Eric L. Johnson released the following statement congratulating the Texas Republican mayors who were elected and reelected yesterday:

“A red wave swept across Texas last night. In droves, voters in cities across the state made their voices heard, rejecting far-left policies and candidates for Republicans who will deliver results.

“Residents want municipal leaders who are responsive to their needs, good stewards of tax dollars, and value public safety, and that is exactly what Republicans value.

“On behalf of the RMA, I would like to congratulate the Republican mayors who were reelected and the new mayor-elects. The RMA looks forward to building a rapport with these mayors, exchanging best practices, and amplifying their success.

“The election results in Texas are a preview of what is to come around the country in the coming months. More Republican mayors will be elected and the RMA will play a crucial role in many of these races.”

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